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Skull & Bones Wiki

The Cutter is one of the small ships in Skull and Bones.

"A ship capable of supporting other ships in the thick of combat." In-game Description


The Cutter is one of the first small Ships that the players can acquire. It has the poorest survivability out of all the small ships, a low amount of gunports, an attachment slot and two furniture slots. The Cutter is the fastest amongst the small ships and is a very capable support ship in fleet engagements, if left alone however it is prone to sinking due to its lackluster amount of HP. Thanks to its ability to repair Severe Damage it allows the Cutter and its fleet to continue to remain in the battle even after sinking. (Severe Damage occurs when someone sinks or receives the Flooded Effect. It can be only repaired at outposts/dens under normal circumstances and it limits max repairable HP) If battling lower level enemies it is possible to outheal the incoming damage with the right furniture and attachment setup.



  • Restores Severe Damage by 1% and Hull Health by 0.5% per second.
  • Restores Hull Health of all friendly ships in a 100m radius of a repaired target by 1%.
  • Restores 60% more of Hull Health on a friendly ship while using a Repair Weapon.

How to Craft[]

Crafting the Cutter requires knowledge of its blueprint. The blueprint becomes available for purchase once you have reached the rank of Rover in Infamy. You can buy the blueprint for 1980 Silver Silver from the vendor at N/A Outpost in the N/A region, alternatively it can be earned from the blacksmith at Sainte Anne after completing the quest "Dressed to Kill".

Crafting Resources
Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot 6
Iroko Plank Iroko Plank 6
Fine Jute Fine Jute 12
Silver Silver 1080

