The Fluyt is one of the large sized ships in Skull and Bones.
The Fluyt is one of the large ships that players can't currently acquire. It is primarily focused around cargo capacity.
Originating in the Dutch Republic in the 16th century, the Fluyt was designed to facilitate transoceanic delivery with the maximum of space and crew efficiency. Unlike rivals, it was not built for conversion in wartime to a warship, so it was simpler and cheaper to build and carried twice the cargo, and could be handled by a smaller crew.
Construction by specialized shipyards using new tools made it half the cost of rival ships. These factors combined to sharply lower the cost of transportation for Dutch merchants, giving them a major competitive advantage, particularly with bulk goods. The fluyt was a significant factor in the 17th-century rise of the Dutch seaborne empire. In 1670 the Dutch merchant marine totaled 568,000 tons of shipping—about half the European total.
How To Craft[]
The Fluyt is currently unavailable in skull and bones, only being encountered as NPC ships - primarily the primary transport and warship of the DMC.