- Abaka
- Acacia
- Acacia Plank
- Admiral Rahma
- Ale
- Ambergris
- Anja Rakotomanga
- Ankohonana
- Apex Crocodile Hide
- Apex Crocodile Leather
- Apex Hippo Hide
- Apex Hippo Leather
- Ashen Corsair
- Asnah Yatim
- Attachments
- Azure Fleet
- Balanced Mast
- Ballista Grinder
- Ballista Grinder I
- Ballista I
- Ballista II
- Ballista III
- Ballista Works
- Ballista Works I
- Bandari
- Barge
- Barque
- Basic Relic (Compagnie)
- Basic Relic (DMC)
- Basilisk I
- Basilisk II
- Basilisk III
- Batik
- Bedar
- Bitterballen
- Black Horn
- Black Prince
- Blue Specter
- Boatswain's Call
- Boatswain's Call I
- Bog Iron
- Bombard Grinder
- Bombard Grinder I
- Bombard I
- Bombard II
- Bombard III
- Bombard IV
- Bombard Powderhouse
- Bombard Powderhouse I
- Bombard V
- Bombard Works
- Bombarding Works I
- Brandy
- Brazing Furnace
- Brazing Furnace I
- Brig
- Brigantine
- Broken Plank
- Bronze Ingot
- Bukit Candi
- Cacao
- Camphor
- Cannon Powder
- Capital Relic (Compagnie)
- Capital Relic (DMC)
- Capital Relic (Fara)
- Capital Relic (Rempah)
- Capital Relic (Sea People)
- Capital Relic (Ungwana)
- Captain Jacob de Roy
- Carel Brouwer
- Carronade
- Cast Iron Ingot
- Casting Sand
- Chains Locker
- Civilian Specialized Materials
- Clan of Fara
- Closed Beta
- Cloves
- Coast Of Africa Exoctic Materials
- Coast of Africa
- Cobalt
- Cobalt Ingot
- Coconut
- Cogwheel
- Commander Zhang
- Commodities
- Commodore Van Hoek
- Commodore Vanderkill
- Compagnie Commodity
- Compagnie Royale
- Confederation of Ungwana
- Contracts
- Cooked Dish
- Copper
- Corvette
- Crew Provisions
- Crocodile Hide
- Crocodile Leather
- Crocodile Meat
- Crude Saltpeter
- Culverin
- Culverin Grinder
- Culverin Grinder I
- Culverin I
- Culverin II
- Culverin III
- Culverin IV
- Culverin V
- Culverin Works
- Culverin Works I
- Cutter
- DMC Commodity
- Damai
- Dardanelles Gun
- Demi-Cannon
- Demi-Cannon Furnace I
- Demi-Cannon I
- Demi-Cannon II
- Demi-Cannon III
- Demi-Cannon IV
- Demi-Cannon V
- Demi-Cannon Works I
- Demi-cannon Furnace
- Demi-cannon Works
- DevBlog
- Dhow
- Dominion of Rempah
- Double-Planked Hull I
- Double-planked Hull
- Dragons Back
- Dragon’s Claw
- Du Bois Lumberyard
- Duister East Foundry
- Duister North Foundry
- Duister West Foundry
- Durian
- Dutch Merchant Company
- Dutchman's Camp
- East Indies Exoctic Materials
- Eels' Twine
- Elders Cave
- Elite Captains
- Equipment
- FIre Bombard I
- Factions
- Fanilo Rhantasoa
- Fara Commodity
- Fibers
- Fine Abaka
- Fine Hemp
- Fine Jute
- Fine Linen
- Fine Ramie
- Fine Relic (Compagnie)
- Fine Relic (DMC)
- Fine Relic (Fara)
- Fine Relic (Rempah)
- Fine Relic (Sea People)
- Fine Relic (Ungwana)
- Fine Sisal
- Fire Bombard I
- Fire Bombard II
- Fire Bombard III
- Fire Long Gun I
- Fire Long Gun II
- Fire Long Gun III
- Firearms
- First Aid Station
- Fish
- Flag Painting Station
- Flooding Demi-Cannon I
- Flooding Demi-Cannon II
- Flooding Demi-Cannon III
- Flour
- Fluyt
- Fond-de-la-Baie
- Fonderie Royale
- Forsaken Atolls
- Fort-du-Bout
- Fort Duister
- Fort Granbie
- Fort Harimau
- Fort Louis
- Fort Prakoso
- Fort Premie
- Fort du Lys
- Forts
- Francis Caradec
- Frankincense
- Frederick Teuling
- Frigates
- Front Powder Kegs
- Front Powder Kegs I
- Furniture
- Galvin Roche
- Gamba Kobe I
- Gamba Kobe II
- Gangs
- Gannets' Saltpeter
- Ghanjah
- Gin
- Ginseng
- Godrogodro
- Granbie
- Grand-Fort
- Grande Falaise
- Great Springald I
- Great Springald II
- Great Springald III
- Great Ukuta
- Greenheart
- Greenheart Plank
- Grilled Beef
- Grilled Bread
- Grilled Chicken
- Grilled Coconut
- Grilled Crocodile
- Grilled Durian
- Grilled Fish
- Grilled Food
- Grilled Hippo
- Grilled Mutton
- Grilled Ndizi
- Grilled Prime Crocodile
- Grilled Prime Hippo
- Grilled Screwpine
- Grilled Shark
- Grilled Vegetables
- Grindstone
- Grindstone I
- Gunner's Quadrant
- Gunner´s Quadrant
- Gunpowder Bench
- Gunpowder bench I
- Guérande
- Harufu
- Harufu Lumberyard
- Harufu Weaver
- Helm Materials
- Hemp
- Hide
- Hippo Hide
- Hippo Leather
- Hippo Meat
- Hovohovo
- Hubac Twins
- Hulk
- Hull Armor
- Ile Michel
- Infamy
- Iroko
- Iroko Plank
- Iron Capstan
- Iron Cladding Station
- Iron Cladding Station I
- Iron Husk I
- Iron Husk II
- Iron Husk III
- Iron Husk IV
- Iron Husk V
- Ironwood
- Ironwood Plank
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jaeger
- Jiwe
- Jiwe Foundry
- Jiwe Weaver
- John Scurlock
- Joinery Workshop
- Joinery Workshop I
- Juniper
- Juniper Plank
- Jute
- Kaa Mangrove
- Kallinikos Flame I
- Kallinikos Flame II
- Kallinikos Flame III
- Kambi Lumberyard
- Kampung Subur
- Karst Lookout
- Kawaca I
- Kawaca II
- Kelelawar Chamber
- Kencur
- Kencur Lumberyard
- Kencur Weaver
- Khmoy Estate
- Kingpin Commodity
- Kingpins
- Kokok Terapung
- Kota Lama
- Kota Lama Foundry
- Kota Lama Lumberyard
- Kuharibu
- Kuharibu's Scales
- Kuharibu's Tooth
- Kusini
- La Bastide
- La Bastide Gazette
- La Buse Gang
- La Colonie
- La Corde Weaver
- La Forteresse I
- La Forteresse II
- La Forteresse III
- La Potence Schematics
- Laar
- Laar South Lumberyard
- Laar West Lumberyard
- Lada
- Lada Foundry
- Lamba Cloth
- Lamba Weaver
- Lanitra
- Laoka
- Layered Scales I
- Layered Scales II
- Layered Scales III
- Layered Scales IV
- Layered Scales V
- Lead Kettle
- Lead Kettle I
- Leather Rope Grips
- Leopold I
- Leopold II
- Leopold III
- Li Tian Ning
- Lightened Mast
- Lime
- Linen
- Locations
- Long Gun
- Long Gun Grinder
- Long Gun Grinder I
- Long Gun I
- Long Gun II
- Long Gun III
- Long Gun IV
- Long Gun V
- Long Gun Works
- Long Guns Work I
- Lost City of Prei
- Maangodin