Skull & Bones Wiki

While you and your crew are exploring the seas in your ship, you will encounter land. And where there is land, you can be sure to find people living in pockets of civilization, such as encampments, settlements, and even mighty fortresses.

The locations you encounter can be roughly categorized into forts, Outposts and Settlements. All of them are controlled and run by various local factions. Most will allow you to conduct trade and buy supplies if you are on good or at least neutral terms with them. The locations are further categorized into different levels from one to fifteen. Higher levels correlate with the types of resources and level of resistance that can be expected and are an indication of the level your ship should be at before you attack such locations.

If you are starting out and your vessel's armour and armaments haven't been battle tested, you will want to stick with the lower tiers until you are more seasoned.
