“ | You’ll one day be bold enough to explore the open seas, of that, we’re sure, stubborn Captains that you all are. The Open Seas are merciless, one sail furled back too late, and you’ll capsize - what nice shark food you'd make... Your survival will depend on your skills as a sailor, but also on your navigation skills. There are outposts, shielded from the storms raging around. If you find them, you’ll get to rest without risking your ship and your crew sinking down to the bottom. |
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~ Skull and Bones -- Developer's Den |
The Open Seas is a scaled down version of the Indian Ocean connecting the coast of Africa to the islands of South East Asia. Nothing but open waters are found in these waters, save for a few outposts such as the Dutchman's Camp among many. The Open Seas is the region with the least amount of land, but it also connects the Coast of Africa and Red Isles to the islands of the East Indies, with several trade routes running through.
While not an established faction with a capital, the Rogues and the Helm are the most dangerous pirates around these waters. The former will attack any ship on sight, so take caution when attempting to cross these waters.
Additionally the Fleet of Pestilence has also moved into these waters, with their towers also now found on some of the islands such as Dutchman's camp. Their ships are very dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution, especially at lower levels.