Skull & Bones Wiki
Skull & Bones Wiki

The Padewakang is one of the medium ships in Skull and Bones.

"A larger ship capable of taking on multiple enemies when properly equipped." In-game Description

General Information[]

The Padewakang is the first medium ship that the players will likely acquire. It has moderate survivability, a moderate amount of gunports, an attachment slot and four furniture slots.



  • Explosive hits have a 70% chance (100% if the target ship is ablaze/on fire) of triggering an explosion, which deals 1000 damage within a 125m blast radius.
  • Increases damage to structures by 50%.
  • Increases weapon damage radius by 12%.

How to Craft[]

Crafting the Padewakang requires knowledge of its blueprint. The blueprint becomes available for purchase once you have reached the rank of Brigand in Infamy. You can buy the blueprint for 5,280 Silver Silver from the Shipwright in Telok Penjarah in the East Indies region.

Crafting Resources
Ironwood Plank Ironwood Plank 18
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot 15
Fine Ramie Fine Ramie 15
Shellac Shellac 4
Crude Saltpeter Crude Saltpeter 4
Silver Silver 2880

