Skull & Bones Wiki

Palisade Bay is a Sea People Settlement located in The Giant's Leap along the Red Isle. Sail northwest from Sainte-Anne towards Sea People territory to reach the settlement.

Purchase or Plunder the following[]

The following items can be purchased or plundered from Palisade Bay. Purchased items will be of limited stock that refreshes after an hour. Plundering, however, will, more often than not, yield more loot at the risk of getting sunken by the settlement's defenses.

Purchase or Plunder the following[]

Best Commodities to Sell to Palisade Bay[]

Palisade Bay Lore[]

To the Elder of Tenina Town,

The Fara are relentless, and Palisade may not hold for long. I am writing to you again to beseech your consideration of the alliance with Scurlock. We have heard that the Sea Maiden has spoken in favour of joining forces with the foreign pirates, and the people of Palisade Bay are in favour of this parternship. Our unanimous agreement with the Sea Maiden will provide us with valuable spears and western arms to defend ourselves.

Please for the sake of the Sea People and our future, discard your pride and heed the words of the Sea Maiden.
~ Elder of Palisade Bay, 5 November 1693 -- Spears for the Spear Maiden Archive Entry


A palisade is a wall or fence of stakes used especially for defense. Palisades can be seen around many settlements, including those of Clan Fara and the Sea People, such as Palisade Bay.
