The Indian Ocean offers up a vast trove of resources, both natural and man made. Some settlements specialize in the production of refined materials. If you are looking to make an honest living, these materials and commodities can be bought and resold for trade or for your use in crafting. These settlements are called resource ports or manufactories.
Merchants like to frequent these places to trade and load up on goods for transport to their intended destinations along established and predictable trade routes. Without spelling it out for you, a smart and enterprising captain such as yourself may find that bit of information useful.
Foundries are small settlements focused on gathering and refining raw metals. Ores are brought here to be refined into ingots. You will be able to buy refined ingots at these locations.
Foundries can be recognized at a distance by the blast furnaces and metal working industry in the settlements, as well as the carved, quarry like rock surfaces that surround them.
Lumberyards are small settlements focused on the gathering and refining raw wood. This is where wood is collected and from which planks are produced. If you are looking for wood for crafting a new ship or cannon, you can find them for purchase here.
Lumberyards can be recognized at a distance by the piles of wood in the settlements and the tree stumps in the surrounding woodlands where timber has been collected.
Weavers are small settlements focused on the gathering and refining raw fibers. Here, fibres are turned into various types of fine linens and threads-all ready for purchase.
Weavers can be recognized at a distance by the large fields of fiber growing in the settlement. Some will also have large tanning ponds.