Skull & Bones Wiki
Have you ever danced with the crocodiles in Rova Hill? Quite an impressive set of teeth they have on them. Hiding in the most beautiful parts of the river fencing the hill, they bring a hint of danger to an otherwise peaceful mix of clear blue water, sharp red stones, green trees, and bushes. We nearly lost a crewmate to one hiding in a cove. Came back swearing ‘t’was twice as mean as any other plain old Nile Crocodile. Feel free to get on a dhow and take on this swimming reptile if you don’t believe ‘em, we’ll just hang around and watch.
~ Skull and Bones -- Developer's Den

Rova Hill is one of the small sub-regions in skull and bones, consisting of the interior of the Red Isle and it's canals. The clan of Fara can be found roaming Rova Hill and the surrounding area so be mindful of your manners, or they won’t think twice before putting a bolt or two through you. If you are powerful enough to take them on, then go for it, but mind the bends of the river as they offer quite the challenge to maneuver through. Alternatively, refrain from sinking their merchant or patrol ships and look around for this outpost instead, Sacred Tree.
