Skull & Bones Wiki

General Info[]

Sainte-Anne is one of the Pirate Dens in Skull and Bones and the first Location you will visit after finishing the Tutorial. It is lead by Kingpin John Scurlock who manages his operations from the Pirate centre of the Red Isles. Besides beeing the Main Hub for Mission and progressing in the Story it is also Home to several Crafters and Vendors like Thomas Raferty, a hardy Blacksmith with a history as dark as the coal fuelling his forge, Fanilo Rhantasoa, a skilled shipwright and many others that will provide the player with anything they will need on their Journey.

Sainte-Anne Lore[]

Dearest Louisa,

Sainte-Anne is a bustling port! You would not believe how it attracts the liveliest pirates from all corners of the Indian Ocean. I am but a schooner amongst the sea of naval frigates; and as luck would have it, the great Scurlock -- pirate lord of Sainte-Anne -- has taken a fancy to me. He requests my audience, a rare gesture I heard, and has taken me under his wing. Rest assured, though he may be a pirate, my job to transport goods for the Pirate Round is honest work.

In these few months, I have made friends with the locals. They are surprisingly friendly, although I get the sense that they are unhappy about the Compagnie. I could still remember their faces when some Compagnie Commander sallied ashore and made a proclamation to rename the port to 'Sainte-Anne.'

Howbeit, I am enjoying my growing fortune and hope that you will join me soon. Once I have a decent abode, I shall send word and money for your journey.

~ Sainte-Anne, 1693

Once a small fishermen's settlement of the Sea People, Sainte-Anne is now a flourishing outlaw colony, popular for its proximity to the maritime routes of treasure-laden vessels. This bustling "den" is an important base in the Indian Ocean smuggling network - a haven for pirates and purveyors of poached goods. Sainte-Anne is not a utopian settlement like the legendary Lanitra. The place is beset by desperate souls descending into drunken chaos.

Never the less Sainte-Anne is a strategic stop in the Pirate Round, and ideally placed to intercept European Trading Company ships moving between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. An important aspect of Sainte-Anne’s success is the trade route between John Scurlock's Sainte-Anne and merchant kingpin Fredryck Teuling in New York. Their exact relationship is not known, but Teuling has been known to provide Sainte-Anne with supplies and infrastructure over the course of the port’s lifespan.

NPC List[]

John Scurlock - Kingpin

Thomas Raferty - Blacksmith

Fanilo Rhantasoa - Shipwright

Anja Rakotomanga - Warehouse Administrator

Margaret “Mako” Lacy - Hawker

Zayn Magoro - Carpenter

Vera van Wessel - Refiner

Florentine D'Alesso - Vanity Atelier

Tatamo Randrianasolo - Commodity trader

William Blackwood - Smuggler contact and an agent of Frederick Teuling, dispatched to Sainte-Anne after the appearance of the fleet of Pestilence.

Trivia and speculation[]

Sainte-Anne is a pretty accurate recreation of Sainte Marie, an island off Madagascar that was a pirate haven in the 17th century. Beginning with Adam Baldridge in 1691 and ending with John Pro in 1719, the location was favorable for pirate activity, being near maritime routes traveled by ships returning from the East Indies, their holds overflowing with loot. The location also provided bays and inlets for protection from storms, abundant fruit and quiet waters.

Legendary pirates including William Kidd, Robert Culliford, Olivier Levasseur, Henry Every, Abraham Samuel and Thomas Tew lived in the île aux Forbans, an island located in the bay of Sainte Marie's main town, Ambodifotatra. Many of them were interred in cemeteries on Nosy Boraha, although the remains have never been identified. The utopian pirate republic of Libertalia (a possible inspiration for Lanitra) was also rumoured to exist in this area, although the republic's existence, let alone its location, has never been proven.

