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The Snow is one of the medium ships in Skull and Bones.

"A ship with increased durability and holding its ground in a fight. It specializes in bracing against incoming fire. In-game Description


The Snow is one of the medium ships that the players can acquire. It has high survivability, a moderate amount of gunports, an attachment slot and four furniture slots.



  • Recovers Brace Strength by 4% per second while bracing.
  • Increases Brace Strength by 50% and Brace Strength Recovery by 150%.

How To Craft[]

Crafting the Snow requires knowledge of its blueprint. The blueprint becomes available for purchase once you have reached the rank of Corsair in Infamy. The blueprint is awarded for completing the Nightfall Missives Contract in the main campaign, given to the player by Admiral Rahma in Telok Penjarah. Alternatively you can also buy the blueprint for 10,560 Silver Silver from the Shipwrecked Rogue vendor in Khmoy Estate Outpost in the East Indies region.

Crafting Resources
12 Juniper Plank Juniper Plank 12 Steel Ingot Steel Ingot
12 Zinc Ingot Zinc Ingot 2 Sheet Glass Sheet Glass
12 Fine Abaka Fine Abaka 2 Screw Mechanism Screw Mechanism
13 Ironwood Plank Ironwood Plank 5,760 Silver Silver

