Skull & Bones Wiki
Skull & Bones Wiki

The Navigator's Cross is a Pirate Outpost located in Jiwe along the Coast of Africa. The Navigator's Cross is northeast of Sainte-Anne in the northern half of the Coast of Africa. To get there, sail north until you can view L'Escale then sail west.


I’ve tried to staunch the bleeding, but the splinter lodged in my side won’t budge. I suppose this is it for me.

That stone cross… I was still fighting off those damned corsairs when I first saw it, burning beyond the sea fog. I remember hauling my Cutter in its direction, hoping for land and shelter. And then, I felt the hull shudder and rip apart on the reefs hidden by the shore.

Hah! Escaping pirate fire, just to bleed out beneath the stone legacy of the Portuguese we fought so hard to repel. The irony, the bitterness of it all, isn’t lost on me. We simply traded one interloper for another, one more unending war for our trouble.

To my brothers and sisters of the Confederation, children of the open savannah and the deep mines; you will discover my bones when I am gone. Give me the warrior’s burial I have craved and earned. Mark my grave with the figurehead of my ship, and honor it with the swords you won from foes felled. Do not let me go like this, alone and unmourned.
~ Last Rites, Archive Entry found at the Navigator’s Cross

Best Commodities To Sell in The Navigator's Cross[]

These items are usually the highest in demand in this region. Prices of certain commodities may vary at times, but it is best to sell these particular commodities here to maximize your profit.

Ungwana Merchant[]

Weapon Blueprints[]

Armor Blueprints[]

Furniture Blueprints[]

Trivia and speculation[]

The Portuguese make an appearance in the E3 2018 Demo, but not in the full release of Skull and bones. In all likelihood, the Portuguese were cut from the game during development, with the Compagnie Royale taking their place in the Coast of Africa Region. In universe however, it appears that the Confederation of Ungwana were able to defeat the Portuguese, only for the Compagnie Royale to take their place as invaders.
