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Three Brothers is a Pirate Outpost located in Baixio Grande in the the Open Seas. Three Brothers is one of the lone outposts you can find in the upper half of the Open Seas, thus it is recommended to dock in an outpost in the Open Seas as soon as you encounter them as these are dangerous waters.


Sitting in the Baixio Grande, you Three Brothers is hard to miss thanks to the island sporting a couple of mushroom shaped rocks visible from far away.

This outpost is situated in an archipelago sheltered from the storms by the strips of land bordering it. It’s deep within the Compagnie’s territory though, so there is always one of their ships lurking around. Three Brothers is a great spot if for pirates planning to attack convoys as it’s bordered by two international trading routes. The mega corporations’ coffers have never been within such close reach.

Indeed a captain will find no better spot to plan a heist, which is also why it's the territory of the most adventurous factions –  the Rogues. Captains landing on the island can find their camp under the plateau of the main mushroom-shaped rock. If they come with the right ”credentials”, they might even get to do business with the overseas smuggler or some of the well-connected Rogue warlords having made their home here.

However it is also not the easiest place to reach, with the island being the final resting place of many shipwrecks, which the goats populating the island are often witness to -– their bleating having been driven sailors crazy since the ship transporting them sunk in the shallows many seasons ago. Though they are also part of the charm of the place.

As the sun breaks through following a savage storm, it scatters its rays against the clear blue of the sea, creating a beautiful mirage despite the dangers that lurk below. During the night, it takes on a unique glow following the movements of ships -– it’s the coral they say. We’re not much for science but better that than ghosts trying to drag you to a watery grave.

This gem of an atoll hidden away in the storm, paired with those unique rocks shaped like mushrooms, makes the mind wonder about the secrets it holds. Will you uncover them?

Archive Entries[]

Two Heads aren’t better than One[]

Three Brothers, 1685

Dearest Hendrick,
The spittle-shit runt of our family has done it again! No longer content with embarassing only himself. Willem now seeks to ruin the great name of Van Cleve, which we all bear. The rumours are true: our brother has turned his back on the Stadtholder and now raises the black. The petulant little cub bites the hand that feeds it.

We risk our reputation and livelihood to get him a respectable position in the DMC. Yet there were no words of gratitude from Willem, only yapping on and on about the mistreatment of his men and their lousy wages. He bought their lies and incited a mutiny. The fool thinks he is saving those wretches but he damns us all.

There is no redemption for him. But we can still save ourselves. Hendrick, my brother, I implore you, join me and we can right this wrong once and for all.

Your loving brother,
Martin Van Cleve
~ Two Heads aren’t better than One -- Archive entry

Welcome to the Three Brothers[]

August 1695
In honour of a truce established here between the Van Cleves this day, the land you stand on will now be known as The Three Brothers.

A lone pirate can find fortune of arguable measure. But together, we forge a legacy for the ages, like these longstanding pillars that inspired out namesake. Together, we can bring blunt force, blasting fire or piercing shots as the battle calls for it. And any bounty we find, each brother gets his fair share, be it silver or coconuts.

We’ve come a long way from our DMC days and made the Van Cleve name one to be feared and respected. So long as we sail under the same banner, the seas belong to none other.

The Pirate Brothers,
Hendrick, Marten and Willem
~ Welcome to the Three Brothers -- Archive entry

Mutton Chops[]

Today’s Menu – Nil
by Alen Slager

They’re taunting us, the goateed bastaards (bastards). I can hear them bleating and bleating from across the dark, shark-infested waters.

The bearded duivels (Devils) were lucky enough to have ashore on one of these three islands, all by themselves. Not so fortunate for the rest of us who can’t feast on foliage, eh? There’s nothing but sand, stone, and the hair off the heads on what’s left of my crew over on this side of the Three Brothers isles.

What I wouldn’t do for a schaapskotelet (mutton chops) right now. A sweet, juicy slab of shank and shoulder, slowly roasted over the campfire, with the smell of fat and iron dripping down… feed the ravenous flames…

Well. One can pretend it’s mutton, can’t we?
~ Mutton Chops -- Archive entry


Weapon Blueprints[]

Furniture Blueprints[]

